Redhead Men’s Shed Incorporated

ABN 19855272328

PO Box 7001

Redhead NSW 2290

  • Updated 21 May 2024
  • With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions , it is good to report that mandatory mask-wearing and social distancing practices  have been rescinded. However, please feel free to wear a mask if this works for you. Continued regular use of hand sanitizer is encouraged.

As well all know by now, Covid-19 presents a more serious risk to

    1. People aged 70 or over
    2. People aged 65 years and over with chronic medical conditions
    3. People with a compromised immune system
    4. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 50 years and older with one or more chronic medical conditions.         I

Update on COVID19 requirements for attending Redhead Men’s Shed Generally, the requirements for attending the shed align with the advice provided by NSW Health NSW to the wider community. NSW Health requirements change from time to time, and we adhere to specific requirements as they become relevant, such as social distancing, the wearing of masks and physical isolation. There are specific conditions for which attending the shed is not permitted. These are : • Don’t attend if you are feeling unwellDon’t attend if you have recently had a positive Rapid Antigen Test (RAT)Don’t attend if someone in your household currently has COVID19Don’t attend if you are not vaccinated against COVID19

If you are feeling unwell, have a cough, or temperature, please  carry out a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) and do not come to the Shed. If you have been                       identified as a close contact of someone with Covid, please do not come to the Shed until the required period of isolation has been completed.

  • The use of ladders at the shed – Shed Policy has been revised to recognise that there are some circumstances  where ladders are a necessary tool. Shed policy is that where a ladder has to be used; a second member must be at the base of the ladder to ensure that the ladder remains stable.
  • Projects that need work off the ground should not be undertaken by the shed unless appropriate safety concerns are resolved e.g. scaffolding to be used.
  • There has been some confusion about the use of Danger Tags and Out of Service Tags. Danger Tags are only to be used as a last resort if equipment needs to be isolated from a power source.  i.e. electrical isolation for work on an electrical circuit.    Almost every machine in the Shed can be isolated by unplugging the electrical lead, in which case an Out of Service Tag is the appropriate tag, and is the one that should be used.  If you are concerned that the machine may be used despite the tag, cut the plug off.
  • Please make sure that if you’re first to use a machine that you complete the form for the day. The Safety group will check the forms at the end of each month and maintain the records. Remember, the sheet has only to be filled in once per day when the equipment is first used. .
  • On a related subject, we have had some situations where machines have been ‘adjusted’ or used inappropriately, and left in an unsafe or ineffective state. Just a reminder that if you feel the need make major adjustments to machines, or remove safety guards, please don’t.   If you’re unsure if the machine is the right one for the task, ask.  If you’re in doubt about the condition of a machine put an ‘Out of Service’ tag on it. There are plenty of people around the Shed with enough experience to help. Ted, Phil, Tony, Richard, Thicky, Glenn, Blakey.
  • We are working on the project sheets to make them easier and more relevant to use.  It’s an ongoing task. One thing that has been added is a master sheet so that we stop duplicating project numbers. When you start a project use the next number on the list then fill in the project form. This master sheet system can only work if everyone makes sure that the control is updated every time a Project Sheet is raised. 
  • Minor and major project forms have recently been updated with version 2 (V2) currently available for use
  • We have now acquired an EFT-POS capability for the Shed to facilitate sale of Shed products to our customers. More and more people do not carry cash.
  • The following matters were discussed at our May Committee meeting:
    • The dust filters in the workshop have recently been cleaned and are on a six monthly cycle for future cleaning
    • Annual shed membership renewals will be due at the end of June and to cover our annual insurance cost will be increased to $35 per member per year
    • We currently have 89 financial members!
    • The Committee discussed and expressed appreciation for the effort and individual contributions shed members make to the smooth running of the shed. Whether it’s making projects for sale, making lunch for hungry shedders or the multitude of housekeeping jobs that are largely unseen but keep the place running as well as it does. Thanks to all and keep up the good work!
      • Expenditure during April included:
        • $400 – groceries
        • $380 – Rocking horse restoration kit
        • $139 – ANZAC wreath
        • $110 – gas bottles
        • $110 – monthly waste bin
        • $97 – Telstra internet & phone charges
      • Income during April included:
        • $1,950 – Income from sales of shed projects including
          • $1,000 – Mt Hutton Day Care staff locker project
          • $700 – Sale of Rocking Horse
          • $100 – Sale of folding desk
        • $512 – shed attendances
    • Current Shed Workshop Projects – 1st May 2024

      • Pre school staff lockers
      • Restoration of a table
      • Chess board
      • Skate board
      • Build of a small cabinet
      • ANZAC trophy for Redhead school
      • Luggage rack
      • Garden shed bench light
      • Garden shed shadow board for whipper snippers
      • Restoration of a chiming clock
      • Sculptured cut-outs
      • Garden shed gutter connection to water tank
      • Olympic rings
      • Garden ornaments
      • Two Lazy Susans
      • Small table and chairs
      • Rocking horse (No 2)
      • Fifteen wedges for physio
      • Wooden Ice Cream truck
      • Wooden truck & trailer
      • Two antique chairs
      • Skate board
      • Two surf board racks
      • Large table for LJ Hooker
      • Mobile phone holders
      • Child’s folding wooden desk and chair
    • Other stuff

      • Members medical information is held confidentially in sealed envelopes within the emergency medical information box and all members are encouraged to keep their details updated as health and medical conditions change
      • We are proposing to have this year’s AGM on October 23rd and it’s very possible that several of our executive management team (President & Treasurer) may be stepping down. So please consider nominating for positions within the committee so we can keep the shed management secure.
      • The previously missing Forster bits have reappeared and the loan book for borrowed tools seems to be working well.
      • The usual reminders ….

        • Completed Project Sheets – These sheets are to be returned to the Office for filing.
        • When at the Shed, remember to wear your name badge to aid more effective interaction with each other at the Shed.
        • If you hear the shed phone ringing please answer it, take a message and pass the message on so we can attend to it.
        • If you are not feeling well, rest up, as it’s best not to attend the Shed.
    • Scheduled Calendar Dates :


  • 5th June – Committee meeting from 1.00 pm.
  • 10th June – King’s Birthday – Shed closed
  • 12th June Monthly Wednesday BBQ
  • 3rd July – Committee meeting from 1.00 pm.
  • 8th July – Monthly Monday BBQ
  • 7th August – Committee meeting from 1.00 pm.
  • 14th August – Monthly Monday BBQ
  • 4th September – Committee meeting from 1.00 pm.
  • 11th September – Monthly Wednesday BBQ
  • 23rd October – proposed date for AGM meeting at the Shed.         

 Our Donors names are displayed on our Donor Board in our car park. Our Shed values the wonderful support given to us by each and every one of our Donors.