Redhead Men’s Shed Incorporated

ABN 19855272328

PO Box 7001

Redhead NSW 2290

Dedication of Poppethead Wheel

Our then President, Ken Ferguson, shares information about the skills and hard work involved in the restoration of the Wheel as a part of the dedication ceremony held on 6th November 2019.

Belmont Hospital

In response to a request from Belmont Hospital the Men’s Shed has made this wall mounted Activity Board for use in the Dementia Ward. We have also provided smaller versions for individual use.

Woodworking Tools

This shadowboard put together by Ted McCabe displays woodworking tools from earlier times. The level of detail in the board is typical of the high degree of skill with which these tools where used. This is a valuable addition to our collection of memorabilia.

Redhead Public School

ANZAC letters, each a metre high. These were made for Redhead Public School and will be used each Anzac Day and will be decorated with flowers.

Floraville Public School

Circular seating made for Floraville Public School . The outer circle is 6.5 metres in circumference and the inner circle is 4.6 metres in circumference. This project was completed on 31st March 2015.The seating has been installed during NAIDOC week celebrations this year.